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The Future

The Future

June 25, 2019 by JW

At the local and national level, there is a movement called R3: Recruitment, Retention, and Reactivation.  Outdoor agencies are frantically trying to bolster the hunting and shooting sport numbers.  All of us remember how we got our fire burning for the outdoors.  Most likely a relative, mentor, or in the rare case you were a self-starter. In my days afield over the past decade I have noticed a dramatic decline in youth hunters and new hunters in general.  This is quite opposite of what the mob sees and/or propagates through Facebook, Instagram, etc.  But that is a whole different can of worms.

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Your Brain on Football, Your Knees on Chukar Hunting - Or is it the Other Way Around?

Your Brain on Football, Your Knees on Chukar Hunting - Or is it the Other Way Around?

June 09, 2019 by JW

At nine years old I asked to play contact football.  My Grampa Jake was extremely against the idea.  Even my pops who is well known for letting me make my own decisions since I was a wee-lad was against it.  By the age of 10 I kept getting kicked out of soccer matches for being too rough with the opposing players. In my mind football was a natural evolution.  At 11 years old, pops finally gave the OK to play, and I started down a path of notoriety, pain, and in the end, some regret.

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Stiefel bekommen?

Stiefel bekommen?

May 07, 2019 by JW

What is your single most important piece of gear in your bird chasing adventures (after your pup of course)???  If I were to poll 100 random hunters, I am betting boots we be a majority favorite. If not, then they are sissyís and donít chase Chukar. Just kidding. But really, even traditional flatland bird pursuits require quality footwear. Hence the title Steiefel bekommen?  German for Got boots?

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Get out of the way!

Get out of the way!

April 09, 2019 by JW

One of the things I like to offer in my humble operation, is to work with new hunters, or even more specifically, new dog handlers.  I do a pretty solid job exposing puppies to everything they need to experience to help hedge the odds of them being a dependable field companion. What I am pretty good at (IMHO), is watching a hunter and their pup working together in the field.

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I Am The Greatest!! - M.A.

I Am The Greatest!! - M.A.

December 06, 2018 by JW

Most who know me, also know I am a boxing man.  So much so, that I have named the majority of my pups after my favorite pugilists.  

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